Watch the Recap : Recap – Your 2023 Content Marketing Playbook
Your 2023 Content Marketing Playbook

Tuesday, Aug 8th | 11am EST | 8am PST

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Struggling with content marketing strategy? Looking for ways to achieve more with less and avoid getting overwhelmed with content production over distribution? Join us for the upcoming webinar with Jess Cook, Head of Content at Lasso and co-host of the “That’s Marketing, Baby” podcast, and Justin Simon, host of the “Distribution First” podcast. They will debunk myths about content marketing and delve into the best strategies to cut through the noise and avoid getting lost in the sea of “best practices” shared all over Linkedin.

Key Takeaways:

1.Demystify content marketing in 2023: what works and what doesn’t?
2.Learn how to achieve more with less and effectively balance content production and distribution
3.Identify the best strategies to leverage AI as the team of 1 and team of 10

Jess Cook_
Jess Cook
Creative director turned content marketer and strategist with more than 15 years of experience conceptualizing and executing breakthrough work for brands like Eggo, Rice Krispies, Blue Cross, Cottonelle and McDonald’s. Leading cross-functional teams toward a common goal, bringing order to the oft-chaotic creative process, crafting insight-driven global campaigns, and bringing stories to life via long- and short-form content.
justin simon
Justin Simon
Justin helps SaaS and Startups build content strategies with distribution first. That way your content is guaranteed to get in front of your audience and you get more out of everything you create.

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