Watch the Recap : Commsor Demo: Close Deals Faster by Organizing your Network
Commsor Demo: Close Deals Faster by Organizing your Network

Wed, Jun 26th | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST

Hosted by
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Virtual event
Link available for attendees

Commsor has a special offer for Demo Day registrants:
Mention ‘RevGenius’ when booking a demo here to get 50% off your first year of Connect.

Commsor helps companies turn their network of investors, advisors and champions into their #1 revenue channel. Commsor Connect specifically lets you sell the way your buyers want to buy anyways – by connecting them with top customers they already know (and trust).

Mac Reddin
Mac Reddin
Mac is the Founder and CEO of Commsor, where he's exploring a Go-to-Network future. Previously he founded, bootstrapped and exited various startups across gaming, tech and fashion.

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