Watch the Recap : How to Build Better Creative to Scale Brands
How to Build Better Creative to Scale Brands

Tuesday, Jan 30th | 11:00 AM EST | 8:00 AM PST

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In this interactive webinar, join Superside’s Creative Director of New Horizons, Phillip Maggs, as he uncovers how large creative teams can build systems and use AI to enable faster and more effective production scale. See how the team at Superside does this and ask your questions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why design systems are crucial for enterprise-sized teams
  • How AI is one of the best tools to use to scale
  • Ways to use generative AI and expected results
  • Real life examples of how it works


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Phillip Maggs
Phillip Maggs is the Creative Director of New Horizons at Superside. That means he's charged with developing cutting edge creative services, like our augmented reality (AR) and 3D design offering and our pilot program for AI enhanced creative. In his own words, Phil is ""good at new things."" With decades under his belt as a creative technologist, there's no one we trust more to push Superside in new and exciting directions.

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