Watch the Recap : Part 2: Signal School – Running Signal-Based Plays
Part 2: Signal School – Running Signal-Based Plays

Tuesday | July 23rd | 3 PM EST | 12 PM PST

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Watch part 1 of Signal School here.

Signals are the unlock to efficient pipe gen. It just makes sense – detect signals to know when people or accounts are in market, use the context of the signal to convert. In Signal School Part 1, we covered signal selection. Now for the fun part: taking action. Part 2 of Signal School will show you how to run signal-based plays to generate pipeline on easy mode.

You’re going to learn how to:

  • Start at any stage from crawl to walk to run
  • Personalize outbound at scale using signals
  • Turn on autopilot to generate pipeline while you’re away

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Kevin White
Kevin White
Marketing @ Common Room | Advisor to SaaS Startups | Ex Growth & Marketing @Segment @Retool

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