Watch the Recap : Recap – From Sales Pro to Sales Leader
From Sales Pro to Sales Leader

Thursday, July 6th | 1pm EST | 10am PST

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You’ve been promoted but what happens next? Managing doesn’t equal leading. Drawing from his experience, Adam Jay will explore the key strategies, mindset shifts, and actionable steps needed to make a successful transition in your sales career.

Key Takeaways:

1. Essential qualities and skills needed to transition from a sales professional to a sales leader.
2. Strategies for building and managing high-performing sales teams.
3. Developing a leadership mindset and fostering a positive sales culture within your organization.
4. Practical tips for coaching, mentoring, and motivating sales professionals to achieve their full potential.
5. Steps to accelerate your career progression and achieve long-term success.

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Adam Jay
Adam is a 2023 Demandbase Top 25 Sales Executive who has spent over a decade leading teams to drive over $100M in ARR and scaling some of the best B2B SaaS companies in the country. Adam works with founders as a fractional go-to-market leader to successfully transition from founder-led-sales, allowing them to scale in not only a repeatable, but a responsible manner. He’s passionate about developing culture-driven sales teams with a strong focus on people, process, and purpose, and thrives in highly-competitive verticals. Adam “lives” in West Palm Beach, Florida with his wife Krystal, 12-year-old son Zachary, and the cutest mini-golden doodle you’ve ever seen. He’s also an avid foodie, and world traveler with a deep belief of “have laptop, can work!
Jason Hubbard
Jason Hubbard
Chief Operations Officer, RevGenius - He practically grew up in startups, with two serial entrepreneurs as parents. Besides leading RevGenius operations, he also hosts our weekly live show, Outbound 2.0, exploring the future of outbound sales and marketing.

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