Watch the Recap : Redefining ROI for B2B Marketers
Redefining ROI for B2B Marketers

Tuesday, Sept 12th | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST

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In a recent survey conducted by GTM Partners, 60% of companies said they couldn’t articulate the ROI of their own solution. Failure to show ROI is the #1 reason your pipeline isn’t closing, your customers aren’t renewing, and your base isn’t expanding. If you can pull just one growth lever today to impact revenue over the next 12 months, it would be ROI. In this session, 

Key takeaways:

  • A new framework for ROI, including five separate and distinct kinds of ROI 
  • How to use ROI throughout the lifecycle 
  • Why ROI should be an executive-level concern and not just a marketing tactic.
Sangram Vajre
Ran marketing at Pardot (acquired by ExactTarget and then by Salesforce for $2.7B). Co-founder of Terminus with over 300 employees ranking 21st in Deloitte's fastest-growing company and named back to back as one of the best places to work. Currently co-founder and CEO of GTM Partners, a data-driven Analyst for go-to-market

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