Watch the Recap : RevSure demo: Full Funnel Attribution for High Growth Marketing Teams
RevSure demo: Full Funnel Attribution for High Growth Marketing Teams

Wed, August 21st | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST

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RevSure is a go-to platform for marketing trailblazers with bold pipeline and ROI goals, offering killer insights, spot-on predictions, and actionable recommendations. The platform empowers modern demand generation teams to 3X their pipeline and confidently prove marketing ROI. Unlike legacy attribution solutions, RevSure combines full-funnel attribution with predictive intelligence and active recommendations, providing high-growth marketing teams the information they need to be more effective at every stage of the lead journey.

Alex Cox_headshot
Alex Cox
Alex is a go to market leader experienced in global revenue & marketing execution. Alex has a rich history of developing and executing growth strategy in various stage companies. Alex was the team lead of Global Demand Generation Programs at Nutanix during their IPO in 2016(NTNX). Alex was the Head of Marketing at Opsani during their successful acquisition to AppDynamics a Cisco company in 2022.

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