
Sales Hack: LinkedIn Videos To Close More Deals

Would you like to close more deals via LinkedIn DM’s?

I’m sure you said “YES”! After talking to thousands of reps, the common theme I hear is that sending direct messages on LinkedIn “does not work!”

But, the truth is most are sending DM’s to potential prospects that look like this:

“Hi Marcus,

My name is (name) with (Company Name).

[Insert 3 paragraph pitch about the company/product and a Calendly link]

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Even worse: some are using automation software to connect and send these types of messages. However, these types of messages only result in the receiver shaking their head and deleting that message. So, multiply that by dozens of similar messages your prospect is receiving so you can see why these messages rarely work. .

Because cold outreach via LinkedIn DM is commonly focused ENTIRELY on the salesperson and not on the actual prospect.

To compound this, add in how a salesperson feels sending dozens of templated messages to strangers essentially begging them for time and money every day…it doesn’t feel good…

It feels sleazy.

But, does that mean sending DMs on LinkedIn doesn’t work?

No. In fact, it works incredibly well if you know how to do it properly. I’ll teach you step-by-step exactly how to use LinkedIn DMs to build a thriving business off of LinkedIn DM’s, generate more revenue and even secure dream jobs.

So, let’s dive in!

1. Send a Blank Connection Request

So, you’ve already uncovered the target prospect but you are not connected yet. The first thing you do is send a BLANK connection request.

Why blank?‍

Simply put: you’re likely to see a faster and higher acceptance rate. When a prospect receives a blank request, the first thing they ask themselves is:

“How do I know this person?”

As they have no idea, they are more than likely going to be like:

“Oh well, I’ll just accept it” and move on.

Here’s the EXCEPTION: If there is context and you can hyper-personalize it, then you should provide context. Here’s an example:

“Hey Marcus, I loved your post today about cold calling objections! I used that technique today and it worked! Thanks for sharing that. I’m looking forward to learning more from you. Would you like to close more deals via LinkedIn DM’s?

I’m sure you said “YES”! After talking to thousands of reps, the common theme I hear is that sending direct messages on LinkedIn “does not work!”

But, the truth is most are sending DM’s to potential prospects that look like this:

“Hi Marcus,

My name is (name) with (Company Name).

[Insert 3 paragraph pitch about the company/product and a Calendly link]

Looking forward to hearing from you,


our awesome posts!”

This example clearly demonstrates that you’ve read the prospect’s content and enjoyed it. The salesperson is also being complimentary which helps the prospect feel good. Subsequently, a prospect is likely to gauge this message to be a low-SPAM connection so are likely to accept it as a result.

You can apply this same concept to any hyper-personalization request. The goal is to come off friendly, personal, and non-threatening. However, if in doubt, send a blank connection request instead.

2. Record a Personalized Video‍

After they accept your request, you’ll want to use the LinkedIn application to record natively on your Android or iOS phone to record a short 30-45 second video. The reason video is so powerful is that it humanizes the outreach experience.

This allows for a faster ‘bridge of trust’ between you and the prospect because you are showing them that you are a real person. The prospect also knows that you intentionally reached out and didn’t just spam message thousands of prospects.

Also, as most people are not comfortable being on camera,  they are unwilling to send video DM’s. That tells you that video is an opportunity to stand out amongst all salespeople and your competition.

Side note: From my experience, close to 70% of prospects will respond back to the video as well! Every single day I get DM’s back from prospects thanking me for the outreach and comment that they’ve NEVER received a video DM before.

Let’s cover a few key points to ensure your video has an impact:

  • Make sure to look right into the camera lens when recording. This creates an experience for the receiver as if you are looking them right in the eye. This helps build trust quickly.
  • Smile! This may seem obvious but SMILE – flash those pearly whites at them and be happy! People like positive people!
  • Show your personality! Be YOU – humans buy from humans! Don’t be a robot – be yourself!
  • Show energy! A sale is a transfer of enthusiasm. If you are not enthusiastic, why would they want to ever meet with you or have a conversation? Be positive and upbeat.
  • Make sure you have good lighting. Check your angles and lighting wherever you are recording the video. Don’t hide in the shadows and be creepy.
  • Make sure whatever is in the camera view presents the image you want. For example: if you are working from home and you can see piles of dirty laundry behind you and a stack of dirty dishes, is that the image you want to portray?

Although it may seem like a lot of small details, everything adds to the overall impact of your videos. Imagine as if each video you are going to send is like a video resume for your dream job! How do you want to be portrayed?

Next, let’s dive into what to say and do on camera!

3. Use the G.D.P. Strategy for the Video

Here is where the magic really happens! – We are going to implement a simple framework called “The GDP Strategy” which is a structural and thematic framework for a 30-45 second video. GDP breaks down into “Gratitude, Deposit, and Personal.” As we dive into each section, remember to keep the tips above to ensure your video has impact.


The reality is that most people who reach out via LinkedIn DM come off as entitled. So, starting off with clear gratitude for your prospect connecting with you on LinkedIn. Be authentic and real. This piece is no more than 10 seconds long and then you will transition into why you reached out. So, here’s an example:

“Hi Jamie, Marcus Chan here – thank YOU SO MUCH for accepting my request! It means a lot to me! I hope your day has been great so far!”


Next, offer something of high value to the prospect for free. Think of this as making a ‘deposit in the bank’. Most salespeople ask for a ‘withdrawal’ through requesting a meeting when they first send a DM, so do the opposite and stand out!

The deposit also must be something that they can consume for free and will be helpful for them. Ideally, what you want to achieve here is to help solve a common problem they have and position you as someone helpful and of value!

Bonus points if it is somewhat related to what you have to offer. Keep in mind that your offer should NOT be a sales pitch. So, don’t plan on offering a cheat sheet which focuses on your services because you will lose trust. Give first.

Here are some examples of free deposits:

  • Recorded training
  • Webinars
  • Cheat sheets on relevant topics
  • Guides
  • Blog articles
  • Recorded keynote speeches
  • Etc.

Think of it this way: If you were in the prospect’s shoes, would you get a lot of value from this deposit? Here’s an example of what you could say on the video:

“The reason I reached out is that I love providing tons of value for successful gym owners like you! I’ve put together a completely free cheat sheet on “7 Ways to Trim Expenses For Gym Owners Without Impacting the Member Experience” that I think you’d get value from. Feel free to check it out below!”


Lastly, end the video like a personal friend. Be casual and friendly. That means no hard close or ask for a meeting. Leave them with a casual “see ya later” vibe. Here’s an example:

Anyway, thanks again for connecting. I hope this helps you out – have an awesome day!”

Boom – that’s it. Hit send!

And just in case they are in a place that they can’t hear your video’s audio, type of a quick short message that summarizes your message. This should be short and easy to read on your mobile device.

Here’s an example:

“Hey Jamie, like I mentioned in my video above, thanks for connecting!

My goal is to provide tons of value for gym owners!

Below is the free cheat sheet I mentioned in my video. I hope it helps you!

Have a great day!


So let’s recap: Why is this so effective?

Let’s think this through from the prospect’s perspective:

  1. They are expecting a pitch but you aren’t pitching
  1. You gave them something valuable
  1. It’s casual, helpful, and not a direct call-to-action
  1. This warms them up to like and trust you and see you as someone of value!

What’s great about the GDP Method is it now opens the door for an organic conversation with the prospect, which could then lead to a phone or Zoom call.

What to Do Next

So, tips are cool but executing on them  is where you can start seeing results! Here’s what you do next after reading this:

  1. Work with your sales and marketing department to figure out what type of deposit you can use. If you don’t have resources, get creative and make something on Canva following the parameters from above. (Or, consider outsourcing on Fiverr or another creative platform)
  1. Put the steps above into action. Just get started!
  1. Set a goal for a certain number of videos per day to start. Eg: 10 videos/day.
  1. Track your progress and refine your video with practice.
  1. Consider A/B testing your “deposit” to see what gets the best response rates and feedback.

That’s it! Start taking action immediately and you’ll see results from this process. If you also have an optimized LinkedIn profile, a strong content strategy, and a good follow up process, you’ll see response rates achieve even greater success.

So get comfortable being on camera as it’s the best way to build trust and relationships with your clients. Through applying the G.D.P Strategy,  you will ultimately create the opportunity to lock in more appointments and future partnerships.

GTM Demo Day

March 27th I 11am ET

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